Taskpad missing and Taskpad View Grayed out in Shared Calendar



A customer has shared a calendar from their Outlook 2000 account to me. I
have full rights to the calendar and I can see the daily appointments and
months in my Outlook. I cannot see their taskpad however. I have tried
"resizing" the windows and the positioning the cursor tips to try to get the
taskpad in Calendar view to appear, but it's really not there. When I go to
View, I notice that the Taskpad View is grayed out. How do I get the Taskpad
to show up again in Calendar view?

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Do you have rights to their Tasks folder? I'm not sure if it's possible to
see the TaskPad on a non-primary calendar folder but if it is you'd need
rights to their Tasks folder first.

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