Tasks Improperly Appear as Deleted



One of my Project managers has a project with some tasks that improperly
appear as deleted on his resources time sheet (It has the black x). However,
these tasks do NOT appear as deleted when the project file is opened in the
desktop application.

How can I fix this?

What causes this?

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


There's a really good chance that these aren't the same tasks. Might your PM
have deleted and recreated tasks? If so, simply hide the ones with the X on
the timesheet by having the users apply the hide button after selecting the
tasks. Make sure that the actual tasks are published.


To fix this you can run this query against your Project Server database..
First portion of query list the deleted tasks (with X in timesheet). The
second portion of the query removes those deleted tasks from timesheet (with

(Test the query in development environment first)

-- Query1 View list of Cancelled tasks (with X in PWA) before deleting them
Run following query

select ma.wassn_id, mp.proj_name, ma.task_name, mr.res_name from
msp_web_assignments ma
join msp_web_projects mp
on ma.wproj_id = mp.wproj_id
join msp_web_resources mr
on ma.wres_id = mr.wres_id
order by 1

-- Query2 Query to delete cancelled tasks (with X in indicator field) from
PWA TimeSheets of users.

delete from msp_web_assignments
where wassn_id in (
select ma.wassn_id from msp_web_assignments ma
join msp_web_projects mp
on ma.wproj_id = mp.wproj_id
join msp_web_resources mr
on ma.wres_id = mr.wres_id
ma.wassn_deleted_in_proj <> 0
-- AND mp.proj_name like 'ProjectName%'-- Uncomment for specific project


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