I have Outlook 2003 and am just using it on my personal home computer, so
when I make tasks for myself, they are only for me. However, I noticed that
all of my tasks have the owner listed as "unknown" and it won't let me change
the owner. I would like to be able to change the owner since my husband is
going to start adding his stuff into the Outlook and I want him to be able to
be owner of his own tasks on this computer we share. I've looked everywhere
I can think of to try and change ownership, but am at a loss of where to go.
When I look under the tasks folder properties, the tab for administration has
all the options greyed out. When I create a new task, the owner is already
in there as "unknown" and the area is greyed out to show that it cannot be
altered in the creation pane either. When I try to change ownership from the
task list it says "You must be in a public folder to change the owner field
of a task. The original owner name will be restored. To assign the task,
right-click the task and then click Assign Task." So, when I right-click the
task, there is no option that says "assign task". So, I am confused as to
how I change the ownership-can anyone help?
when I make tasks for myself, they are only for me. However, I noticed that
all of my tasks have the owner listed as "unknown" and it won't let me change
the owner. I would like to be able to change the owner since my husband is
going to start adding his stuff into the Outlook and I want him to be able to
be owner of his own tasks on this computer we share. I've looked everywhere
I can think of to try and change ownership, but am at a loss of where to go.
When I look under the tasks folder properties, the tab for administration has
all the options greyed out. When I create a new task, the owner is already
in there as "unknown" and the area is greyed out to show that it cannot be
altered in the creation pane either. When I try to change ownership from the
task list it says "You must be in a public folder to change the owner field
of a task. The original owner name will be restored. To assign the task,
right-click the task and then click Assign Task." So, when I right-click the
task, there is no option that says "assign task". So, I am confused as to
how I change the ownership-can anyone help?