Tasks not showing in View Resource Assignments in PWA



We have some tasks that can be seen in Tasks and Project Center views, but do
not show on the View Resource Assignments (VRA) page.

I have tried to republish some of the plans (some additional tasks did
appear in VRA).
I also rebuilt the OLAP Cube to look at the last 12 months and ahead 12
months. This appeared to have no effect - does VRA use the cube?

Any other ideas?


Yes, about 10 projects have been loaded that use enterprise resources - I
don't allow non-enterprise projects/resources to be published.

The resources can view their tasks on the View My tasks page. I can see
their tasks when opening the project through Project Center.

On the Resource Center>View Resource Assignments I can only see some of the
tasks that have been assigned to any given resource.

I know and have experienced the ongoing issue of this page not returning any
data when only a single resource's assignments have been requested and
request data for several resources for this reason.

Dan Beebe
Manager, Technology & Development


The same task show (do not show) up on different PCs.

To add to my initial post, all tasks show up for a resource in
Resources>Adjust Actuals. So it appears I can see the tasks everywhere but
in Resources>View Resource Assignments.

I have looked at the details of the tasks in several plans and can see no
real difference between a task that shows and a task that does not.

This one is really starting to make my head hurt!
Dan Beebe
Manager, Technology & Development


OK... The issues is really that PWA defaults to displaying "Current
Assignments" and all I needed to do was select "All Assignmements".

Anyone know if the window for "Current Assignments" can be changed somewhere?

Reid McTaggart

Oh, for heaven's sake! I never thought to ask you about that. It's a common
thing to have happen.

Yes, you can define "Current Tasks" to some extent.

In PWA Admin > Customize Project Web Access > Tracking settings. At the
very bottom of the page is the Define Current Tasks area, where you can set
how many working days into the future the Current Tasks view will show.

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