Just Fun
After I have worked in a Gantt view that has one (or more) collapsed Summary
Task, when I change views to one that has no filter applied, the collapsed
tasks are not shown in the second view.
To restate: I can't move from view to view without first going to a view
that has the entire outline structure expanded - or I won't be able to see
all of the tasks. I can't trust that all tasks will show in a view without
exercizing great care and first going to a fully expanded view.
Is this a bug??? a feature??? or a quirk??? or operator error???
Is this a function of how I last saved the file???
Note: The second view is one that does not show any summary tasks. Is this a
John Hansen
After I have worked in a Gantt view that has one (or more) collapsed Summary
Task, when I change views to one that has no filter applied, the collapsed
tasks are not shown in the second view.
To restate: I can't move from view to view without first going to a view
that has the entire outline structure expanded - or I won't be able to see
all of the tasks. I can't trust that all tasks will show in a view without
exercizing great care and first going to a fully expanded view.
Is this a bug??? a feature??? or a quirk??? or operator error???
Is this a function of how I last saved the file???
Note: The second view is one that does not show any summary tasks. Is this a
John Hansen