tasks outlook


Karl Davidson

How can I set numerical priorities... 1,2,3, etc. and then sort by the

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Several ways - probably the best is to just preface the name of the task
with the number you want and sort the Subject column.

Or you could create categories for each of those numbers.

If you're only going to use 1, 2 & 3 you could just use the built-in
priority field which has High, Normal and Low as priorities.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft Outlook FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/outlook.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Bobbi Prochnow [MSFT]

I might suggest creating "categories" called "Priority 1", "Priority 2",
"Priority 3". Then when you create a task, assign it the appropriate
Category. Then you can sort the task pane by category.

Hope this helps.

The easiest way to edit your category list, as I've found it, is to:
1. Create a new task
2. at the bottom, click Categories...
3. Click Master Category List...
4. New category: call it Priority 1
5. Click Add
6. Click OK
7. Click OK again

1. create your task (add details...)
2. at the bottom, choose Categories... and assign it to Priority 1
3. Click Add to List
4. Click OK
5. Click Save and Close

Now view your tasks by category!


How to sort tasks by Numbers by creating a numbers column...
Note: This method can be used for creating all sorts of column options for

1) Go to your task folder. Click on "Customize current
view"-->Fields-->New Field button. A "New Field" pop-up screen will appear.
2) Name: <Type in the name you want to call your new column.>
3) Type: In drop-down click "number" (there are other choices for
4) Format: In drop-down click "truncated" (this is for numbers without
decimals, but there are other choices)
5) Click ok. Your new field will automatically insert into the "Show these
fields in this order:" box that is in the "Show Fields" screen. Now you can
arrange the field/column with the up or down arrow.

If you would like to insert the column you just made into a new task folder:

1) Go to the new task folder. Click on "Customize current view"-->Fields.
You will see the "Show Fields" screen.
2) In the drop down menu "Show fields from:" scroll towards botton, click
on "user defined fields in folder". Click on the name of your column on the
left, click the "ADD" button in the middle, and your named column will appear


I create a new field, either using the yes/no icon option or basic text
field, and then display it in my task list columns. So far so good. I begin
to review my tasks and either click on the new field yes/no checkbox column
or add text in the new field text column. Again so far so good. My problem
begins when I want to un-check the yes/no checkbox, the checkmark goes away,
but the small box stays, which sorts with the other checked boxes as if it
were checked. The same problem exists with the new text field. When I add a
few letters or a word in the text field, and later I delete the text, the
text field appears blank, but when you try to sort on that field, the deleted
blank field sorts and stays with the other text fields which have text.
This appears to be a bug. How can I fix this ?

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