Tasks Reappearing After Marked Complete



I hope this is a simple question someone can answer quickly......When
Icomplete a task and mark it 100% complete in MS Projects....why then when I
republish the the project completed tasks reappear on a team members task
list when it was already completed and marked 100%? How can I prevent tasks
from being republished after they have been completed ?
Appreciate any help you can offer.


By design, a task will stay in a user's task list in PWA even if the task is
100% complete. If the user wants to hide the task, they can do that in PWA.
If you re-publish all tasks on a plan, the completed tasks will reappear on
the user's task list. If you don't want it to reappear, don't re-publish
all of the task, just do a publish all informatio or publish new and changed
assigments only.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Matt --

You are making a mistake when you republish the assignments because you are
republising ALL assignments when you should republish only SELECTED
assignments. After you set one or more tasks 100% complete in the Microsoft
Project plan, select each of those tasks, and then click Collaborate -
Publish - Republish Assignments. In the Republish Assignments dialog, click
the pick list at the top of the dialog and select the "Selected items"
choice from the pick list. In the middle of the dialog, you will see a list
of the tasks to be republished, which should include only your selected
tasks. Click the OK button to republish only those tasks. Hope this helps.

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