tasks report



I'd like to be able to see the tasks that I have, grouped
by project, then by date order. The file I have lists
multiple projects, each starting at the 1st level of the
outline, and then each builds within itself to however
many levels it requires. So I have about 5 or 6 very
separate projects within one file (they're the operational
projects of portfolio companies which my company owns, and
which I keep tabs on). I am pretty good at assigning
resources to each task, and I want to see a report that
shows me each resource, and then the task within each
project, listed in order of date. The trick is, on the
report, I'd like it to list for me that first level name,
as this is the only way to know where the task is from
(the tasks are not named in a way that makes it easy to
tell they are from one company's project plan or another).

Thanks a million if you can help.

Rob Schneider

Does the Task Usage view, and then sort by start date, do what you want?
Maybe even do some specialised filtering to get more precision?

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



Hi all,

I have almost same kind of problem. There are several buildings and each
building has same works. Etc.. Excavation, Concreting. I want to hide all
tasks except which I want. Etc. only Excavation works. The Excavation Works
can be at outline level 2, 3 or 4. But the sorted tasks must include also
outline 1 because of name of the building. I already get this by using
resource usage report. But it is not what I want exactly. I just need to sort
them and to hide the unwanted tasks.



Hi all,

I have almost same kind problem. I want to sort all task based on specified
one. exp., there are so many buildings and they have sub-tasks. The
Excavation work is used by each building. Also concrete work. But I want to
hide concrete works. There will be visible only excavation works. These tasks
can be at outline level 2 or 3 or 4... After sorting, outline level 1 must be
visible because of name of building.

How can I sort / hide tasks based on specified one ?


Jan De Messemaeker


Auto Filter, filter Name on contains "Excavation" (ore whichever)


Hi all,

First thank you Jan. I could not do make myself clear. As you have written
it is possible sorting based on specified task name. But in this case,
outline 1 or 2 or 3 will be not visible. As result of this, I can not
understand which excavation belongs to which building. There is only
"excavation" under the task name column.

How can I create a link betweeen task and outline level ?


Building 1
Station A
Building 2
Station B

As result of Filter, there will be only "excavation". What about the
Building and Station Numbers ? How can I get them (outline level 1 or 2) ?

Thank you very much for your kindly help.



to add to the request for help, this is exactly my problem
also. I have the "building" level refered to in Raduga's
(with mine being the names of various companies), and I'd
like a printout that actually shows that the company name
is what the subtask refers to, as the subtask does not
have the company name listed each time (would be very
repetitive if I were to do that). Thanks anyone.


Jan De Messemaeker


I am nearly lost here.
Your first post says you only want to see the excavation tasks in the
context of their summary tasks.
I advise you to FILTER tasks and you tell me SORTING does not work.
Those are two totally different things.
Let's talk about filtering.
When you filter for excavation tasks using the auto filter as I explained
the upper outline levels ARE visible; if you do it making a custom filter
through Project, Filtered for..., More Filters, New, then there is a
checkbox "Show related summary rows". Is that what you are looking for?

By all means, it is not "a link between the task and outline level" - which
sort of "link" ? Outline level is just a number,does it help to know that a
task is level 5?

I still hope I can help you, I am convinced what you want is very feasible,
but I'm no longer sure what exactly it is..


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Boris,

I'm not convinced this is the same problem.
Yours can be solved through a fairly simple VBA Macro and I would be glad to
publish one here.
How far up the hierarchy is "the company name"? Is it the task's parent or
teh parent's parent or even higher?



Jan, thank you so kindly for offering the macro. I
explain this in more detail than may be necessary, only
because I am clearly not as expert as you and clearly will
not use the right terminology. Bear with me.

The highest level of my one project plan are several
different projects for companies that I am involved in.
Each high level task is the name of the company, and
everything under that company is a mini-project being
conducted at the company, with some subtasks underneath
those (some go down only to 2nd and 3rd level tasks, some
may go down to 4th or so...would like it to be flexible).
I have assigned myself to some of the tasks, which are the
ones where I am stepping into the process and assisting
that particular operating company (whose name is the high
level task at that point in the document). Others are
assigned to the people within each company. The report
I'd like is a listing of person (including me, of course),
and each task they are responsible for, ideally in order
of resource name first, then in order of task start date.
An example is like this:

Company Genorate
Review Process
Process Map developed
Order equipment
Check current systems
Confirm order
Process complete

Company Wannamaker
Review Process
Develop the process map
Inventory control exercise
Inventory scan
Match inventory to orders
Process complete

You see the problem that I have when the listing I
currently get only shows me my name and that I have to
do "review process", as example. Also, I don't know if
Bob, who is assigned to Confirm Order is working under the
first or second project (other than I know Bob may belong
to one company, but I have two resources in particular
that share the same name and are in different companies,
so that gets messy also).

Hope this is clear enough. Thanks again.

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Boris,

Try this VBA Macro:

Sub ShowCompany
dim anyjob as task
dim Lowestlevel as integer
dim LevCtr as integer

for each anytask in activeproject.tasks
if not anytask is nothing then
if anytask.outlinelevel>lowestlevel then
end if
if anytask.outlinelevel=1 then
end if
end if
next anytask

for levctr=2 to lowestlevel
for each anytask in activeproject.tasks
if not anytask is nothing then
if anytask.outlinelevel=levctr then
end if
end if
next anytask
next levctr
end sub

Hope you know how to copy a macro into the Visual Basic Editor?
Tell me about it..



Hi all,

Thank you Jan for your advising. As you mentioned, I can use that option. In
this case, all Outline Levels are being showned. I just need highest task, I
mean Outline Level 0. If my task is on the Outline Level 6, printout will be
from 6 to 0. But I do not need 5,4,3,2,1 but 0.
Anyway, I am very appreciate that you are helping to us. Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Jan, I know how to do VBA in Excel, but it's not working
as well in Project. Can you tell me a little more step-by-
step how to get this code in there and from where I run it.

Thanks for the continued support


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Boris,

Personally I think everything works better in Project, but that is probably
because I know it better...

Ifyou say I can do VBA in Excel, that means you know how to find the VB
Editor I guess:

Tools, Macro, Visual Basic editor

In the Project explorer (the upper left window) Click Project Global
Insert, Module

Paste the macro in the Code window of the module
It is now available through Tools, Macro, Macros...



Sorry I am starting to sound like a total idiot, but when
I run the macro, I don't see anything happening. I am in
the Gantt chart window. Is that not the right place to
be, or what? Sorry to keep asking, but like I said, if it
was Excel, I could actually read the macro and know
exactly what's happening, but not here.


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Boris,

Should have told you of course!
You won't see anything happen, but the first level's task name is copied
into each lower level task's TEXT1 field.

OBTW, Project VBA is only rarely "visual";one manipulates objects rather
than cells or views; so you can run this macro in any view. To watch the
result you should insert the Text1 field into any task view.



Jan, thanks. got the macro working and see that it does
populate the text field. Next question is how I produce
a report that sorts first by Text1, then by all the other
stuff, or prints a concatenation of the text1 and task
name for the report that already shows "who does what".
Thanks for the continued support. Sorry I dropped off
for about a week.


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