Tasks STILL splitting


K Major

I reviewed the numerous posts on the topic of preventing tasks from splitting
and thought I had the answer, but I still have certain tasks splitting (that
I don't want to).

I have a task that is a one-time "approval" meeting. It is fixed duration
non-effort driven. 3 resources are assigned. The "leveling can split" field
on this task is set to "no". I do have the default under tools, options,
"split in-progress tasks" checked.

Here's my problem - The 1st resource is available on 3/18. The next
available date for the other 2 is 3/25 (they are out of the office until this
time). MSP splits the task and in the task usage view you can see that R#1
is 3/18 to 3/18 and R#2 and R#3 are 3/25 to 3/25. The overal duration is
then of course listed as 3/18 to 3/25. I would have assumed that it would
have scheduled the meeting on 3/25 (i.e. 1st time all resources are
available). Bottomline, it still split the task.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Kevin

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Kevin,

Very unfortunate isn't it?
I have been requesting to change this for ages, but as yet to no avail.
For my customers who absolutely wanted to avoid this I developped a
workaround, it is described in the article on MS project on my Website.
It has also been published in the latest Office Newsletter.
Hope this helps,


Microsoft should provide some options on how resources will be used.
In primavera, I can set whether a resource is driving or not to a task.
Further more,I can set task type as "Meeting Task", "Meeting Task" works
when all driving resources are availble.

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