K Major
I reviewed the numerous posts on the topic of preventing tasks from splitting
and thought I had the answer, but I still have certain tasks splitting (that
I don't want to).
I have a task that is a one-time "approval" meeting. It is fixed duration
non-effort driven. 3 resources are assigned. The "leveling can split" field
on this task is set to "no". I do have the default under tools, options,
"split in-progress tasks" checked.
Here's my problem - The 1st resource is available on 3/18. The next
available date for the other 2 is 3/25 (they are out of the office until this
time). MSP splits the task and in the task usage view you can see that R#1
is 3/18 to 3/18 and R#2 and R#3 are 3/25 to 3/25. The overal duration is
then of course listed as 3/18 to 3/25. I would have assumed that it would
have scheduled the meeting on 3/25 (i.e. 1st time all resources are
available). Bottomline, it still split the task.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Kevin
and thought I had the answer, but I still have certain tasks splitting (that
I don't want to).
I have a task that is a one-time "approval" meeting. It is fixed duration
non-effort driven. 3 resources are assigned. The "leveling can split" field
on this task is set to "no". I do have the default under tools, options,
"split in-progress tasks" checked.
Here's my problem - The 1st resource is available on 3/18. The next
available date for the other 2 is 3/25 (they are out of the office until this
time). MSP splits the task and in the task usage view you can see that R#1
is 3/18 to 3/18 and R#2 and R#3 are 3/25 to 3/25. The overal duration is
then of course listed as 3/18 to 3/25. I would have assumed that it would
have scheduled the meeting on 3/25 (i.e. 1st time all resources are
available). Bottomline, it still split the task.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Kevin