Tasks with no due date synced with due date as today



Promise this will be for the last time today. Just want to note that
synching between my Entourage and Nokia N70 which was before impossible
was really smooth and easy today. Really easy.

A couple questions based on synching between Entourage and my Nokia

1. When I sync my tasks/calendar, I set the options in iSync to sync
the Entourage calendar and checked the box that says "don't sync events
prior to today." In Entourage I have some tasks that are kinda a
"someday/maybe" type list. They have no due date, category is only
@someday, and they don't show up in any of my views except one. The
problem is that when I sync my phone and then pull up my task list, I
have all these someday maybe tasks in there with a due date as today.
Is there any way to get one of these devices somewhere along the way to
ignore these tasks? Additionally, is there a way to get something to
not sync ALL of my tasks (I have stuff in there for nine months from
now just waiting to pop up and remind me) but maybe just today, or the
next couple days, or next week? I'll even take a way to get these
someday tasks with a due date in the future, so at least they're not at
the top of the screen crowding out my real todos for that day.

2. Just a note for others of you running Symbian OS 60 series on Nokia
phones. If you create an event in your phone and don't set the
"synchronization" option to "public," you will have problems with time
zones in your Entourage calendar. My time zone in Entourage is set to
+8 GMT but if I try to sychronize a task that's set to "private" it
will show up at the wrong time. Changing the synchronization option in
the phone to public fixed the issue for me. Anyone know how to change
the default time zone for events that get added to Entourage through
sychronization? (I already have the option checked in preferences to
set new events to +8 GMT, so it must be a different setting).

Ahhh...to be able to set up a meeting, put it in my phone, and then
have it appear on my Entourage calendar when I sync. It's a beautiful

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