tcp connections from vba




I need to open and close some tcp connections in my access
application to pass data to a unix server. I know how to
due such thing in C. Is it possible to do it in VBA so I
don't have to call any external programs.

I'm looking to open a connection to a unix box, write some
data to the connection, then close down the connection.

Any and all pointers to docs would be greatly appreciated.


Jim Allensworth


I need to open and close some tcp connections in my access
application to pass data to a unix server. I know how to
due such thing in C. Is it possible to do it in VBA so I
don't have to call any external programs.

I'm looking to open a connection to a unix box, write some
data to the connection, then close down the connection.

Any and all pointers to docs would be greatly appreciated.


Dev Ashish has created a library that you can use. I've used it and it
works quite well.

- Jim



I need to open and close some tcp connections in my access
application to pass data to a unix server. I know how to
due such thing in C. Is it possible to do it in VBA so I
don't have to call any external programs.

I'm looking to open a connection to a unix box, write some
data to the connection, then close down the connection.

Any and all pointers to docs would be greatly appreciated.


Dev Ashish has created a library that you can use. I've used it and it
works quite well.

- Jim


Thanks, I'll download it and check it out. On first
glance, it appears to be just HTTP and FTP. I was looking
for plain vanilla TCP connects. Maybe I can change what is
there if the source is included.


Alex Dybenko

try to use winsock ocx (shipped with VB6)
also you can use winsock API, there are few samples you can find in the
internet, but better to do this on VB, access not so good for suclassing.

Albert D. Kallal

You have to use the winsock control to do this.

It has been at least a year since I used it, but it does work with

So, most VB winsock examples should work in ms-access.

Try a search on the net for

VB winsock code examples

Perhaps some data engine is available on the nix box that you can connect to
via ODBC?

At any rate, winsock is the way to connect via a TCP socket.


-----Original Message-----
try to use winsock ocx (shipped with VB6)
also you can use winsock API, there are few samples you can find in the
internet, but better to do this on VB, access not so good for suclassing.


You're going to have to forgive me in advance for the
serious dumbness of the questions I'm about to ask. I'm
not an MS developer (I'm a *nix person). I see I have the
winsock.ocx file on my machine. If I open a form in Access
and try to drop a MS Winsock Control on it, I get an error
message saying I don't have a license for it. How do I
access the winsock control in Access?

Feel free to tell me to go read the docs, but please tell
me what docs to read. I've tried using the MS help system,
but I must be missing some files on my machine. The help
system sometimes brings up blank screens.


Alex Dybenko

Hi Sean,
nothing dumb in your question.
the idea is that only when you install a certain product, containing license
to insert control - you can insert control into form

so in this case you have to have VB installed

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