Team Assignment Pool


Robert X

I understood, but I was obviously wrong, that when several resources are
member of the same Team Assignment Pool, each resource of the team could
work on the task assigned to the team. For ex. the "Task for J team" is
assigned to the "J Team", members of which are John and Jennifer.
I believed that John could impute 4h on Monday, then Jennifer could impute
8h on thuesday.... But it seems that if john assigned himself on that task,
nobody else in the team is able to do so. Could you confirm this behavior ?
Thanks for your help


Ben Howard

Hi RobertX,
Each time assignment should be claimed by a member of the team using the
Self-assign Team Task. This task is then allocated to a single team member.
The behavoir you are seeing is correct.

Robert X

Hi Ben,
I expected another behavior because the Help in Project Pro says that 2
resources of the team can assign themselves on one task:
<< assign the new "Marketing" team resource to several tasks,
including "Develop new product brochure" and "Create trade show plan." You
publish the changes to Project Server. In Office Project Web Access, the
members of the Marketing team -Erin, Pilar, and Wilson -see the new tasks
assigned to Marketing. Erin and Pilar assign themselves to the "Develop new
product brochure" task, and Pilar and Wilson assign themselves to the
"Create trade show plan" task.>>


Ben Howard

Hi Robert,
I agree with what the help says, I just don't think it works that way...

Ben Howard

Having thought about this, the only way to accomplish it is to reassign the
task from one team member to another. There is still only one assignment per
task at any one stage though.

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