Team assignments in Project Server 2007


Gary Chefetz


I'm sure that Dale will jump in to thank you, but I wanted to point out that
Egghead Café simply echos the posts on the Microsoft newsgroups so what
you're looking at is an old post from this newsgroup. You can also find this
on Google Groups. The Microsoft nntp server retain posts for only 30 days,
so that's why we need resources like Google and Egghead.


Good to know, thanks.

- Jussi

Gary Chefetz said:

I'm sure that Dale will jump in to thank you, but I wanted to point out that
Egghead Café simply echos the posts on the Microsoft newsgroups so what
you're looking at is an old post from this newsgroup. You can also find this
on Google Groups. The Microsoft nntp server retain posts for only 30 days,
so that's why we need resources like Google and Egghead.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Jussi --

Thank you for your kind comments, my friend! And you are more than welcome
for the help. :)

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