Team Leads Having Ability to Adjust Remaining Work


Katie B

Good Morning,

I was wondering if I could get confimation on the following issue:

Team Leads do not have the ability to adjust Remaining Work in any view
in PWA. It is not possible to obtain this functionality in the global

The leads on my project would like to be able to have the ability to
adjust remaining work in PWA (because they don't have direct access to
the work plans on the server, just the saved mpp files) but in doing
some investigating in Google Groups, it appears that the ability to do
so in PWA is not an option. Can you please confirm and if this is not
true, can you please explain how I would go about granting them

Also, can you help me to better understand User Defined permissions and
how to create and/or modify them? Are these the permissions in PWA
that allow the Team Members to adjust their own Remaining Work in their
timesheet? If not, what permission in the global permissions allows
them to do so?

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!
Katie Begell

Dale Howard [MVP]

Katie B --

I do not believe what you wish is possible in any shape or form in PWA. The
closest possibility would be to grant members of the Team Leads group the
Adjust Actuals and View Adjust Actuals permissions, but this would allow
them only the ability to adjust the Actual Work values on a team member's
timesheet, but would not allow the Team Lead to adjust the Remaining Work.
Therefore, for Team Leads, I believe the only way they are going to be able
to adjust the Remaining Work is to be able to log into Project Server, open
the actual projects from the Project Server database (not from the .mpp
files), and make the adjustments in the Microsoft Project plans.

Also, by default, anyone who uses the PWA timesheet to report actuals is
automatically allowed to adjust the Remaining Work on any task to which
he/she is assigned. So I'm not sure why you are asking this question.
Please let us know more about your questions in the second paragraph and why
you asked them.

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