I've added a whole bunch of things to my normal.dot file over the
years: macros, styles, autotexts, etc. But I've heard that it's not
safe to put everything into normal.dot, in case of corruption.
So, is the solution as simple as just copying and renaming normal.dot
to, say, Mytemplate.dot?
If so, how can I then make Mytemplate.dot become the standard global
template from which all new blank documents inherit their styles?
(In other words, Normal.dot and the new Mytemplate.dot will now
possess identical style names, but I will want Mytemplate.dot's style
definitions to prevail).
Thank you!
years: macros, styles, autotexts, etc. But I've heard that it's not
safe to put everything into normal.dot, in case of corruption.
So, is the solution as simple as just copying and renaming normal.dot
to, say, Mytemplate.dot?
If so, how can I then make Mytemplate.dot become the standard global
template from which all new blank documents inherit their styles?
(In other words, Normal.dot and the new Mytemplate.dot will now
possess identical style names, but I will want Mytemplate.dot's style
definitions to prevail).
Thank you!