Telephone number format



When I enter phone numbers with ( - )it turns on the brackets.
eg. +123 1234-5678
comes out as +123 (1234) 5678

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

In writing phone numbers, a '+' preceeds the country code, so you're
specifying a country code of "123". Outlook then takes the next block of
digits as the area code, which is included in parentheses. If you meant
"123" to be the area code, don't put a '+' in front of it.


Thanks Jeff,
But I live in Hong Kong now. Here we don't have area code here just the 852
country code. Is there anyway to go around it. If call from overseas, just
+852 12345678.

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

The only way I know to get around that would be to leave out the '-' in your
number as you did in your reply. One of the problems with trying to parse
phone numbers is that the formats vary widely between countries, and clearly
Outlook doesn't go a good job with the format in use in Hong Kong.

Jeff Stephenson
Outlook Development
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights


I am having a great deal of difficulty with many of the Outlook changes, but
the problem of the automatic parens drives my boss nuts. He likes just
###-###-#### as his format, but Outlook insists on changing the format to
(###) ###-####. How do I prevent that?

Paul-Wesley Bowen

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