Tell a column to always subtract --Excel 2003



Hi All! Is there a way to tell a column that if it sees a number it should
always be read as a negative? I am creating a checkbook registry and have
deposits in the plus column and would like the checks to automatically be
calculated as a negative amount. I can hit the minus sign every time, but
would be helpful if it just knew to do it. ---I apologize if this is a
duplicate question---I tried to post it last week and I'm unable to find it.
That brings me to another question----more about the site, rather than just
Excel---When searching for answers -- i.e. Subtract---is there a way to say I
want my answers to show latest posts first? When I ran the query the answers
came up in no particular order and I was looking specifically for my post and
any answers to it. I thought I could do this in the past---but cannot
remember how i did it.
This is one of the BEST SITES anywhere for help...have been using it for
years and I really appreciate any help you can give me. THANKS!!

Don Guillett

The height of laziness. Right click sheet tab>view code>insert this>change
col N to yours

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column <> Columns("n").Column Then Exit Sub
Target.Value = -Abs(Target.Value)
End Sub

Fred Smith

Almost all checkbook registries show positive amounts for checks. The key is
to use the right formula in calculating the closing balance. You should
subtract the check amount from the closing balance, rather than adding it.
If your balance is in column D, deposits in B and checks in C, calculate
your balance as:



Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Thanks Fred!!! THAT'S the answer I was looking
for---something nice 'n SIMPLE!! :))) I was trying to make it too
complicated---should have seen that right away---Then I just made my column
for checks all in red and I'm all set!! Thanks again!

Don Guillett

Almost all but not all since I personally use ONE column with plus in black
and minus in red and I do use the minus sign.

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