Someone wrote some code for me a while back which counted
the number of templates and which templates are used. I
am having problems with this code and have tried emailing
the person who wrote the code, on three separate occasions
but never heard back from him.
The problem I am having is that the template keeps
disappearing from p:\templates\start-up\. It stays in
that location for one day and then deletes itself. I was
wondering if it was something in the code??
If anyone can make head nor tail of the following code and
there is something in it that makes the template active
for only one day, your help would be appreciated. I do
not understand any of the following code.
The code is as follows:
'<----------------------Start of Module Code---------------
Option Explicit
Public gccTemplateUsageCounter As clsCounter
Public Sub AutoExec()
Dim strUserName As String, cCounterFileFullPath As String
strUserName = Environ$("Username")
= "M:\TECHNOLOGY\TemplateUsage\CountUsage\" & strUserName
& "_count_usage.cnt"
' Instantiate class to perform template usage counting
Set gccTemplateUsageCounter = New clsCounter
' Hook up event handler to that we can catch
application level events
Set gccTemplateUsageCounter.appWord = Word.Application
' Log the existing counter file (if any)
gccTemplateUsageCounter.Initialise cCounterFileFullPath
End Sub
<----------------------------Start of Class Module Code----
Option Explicit
Private Const mcInitialSize As Long = 50
Private Const mcIncrementSize As Long = 10
Private Type UsageCounter
Template As String
Count As Long
End Type
Public WithEvents appWord As Word.Application
Private maucCounters() As UsageCounter
Private mlngCountersMax As Long
Private mstrCounterFile As String
Public Sub Initialise(ByVal strCounterFile As String)
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim strData As String
Dim astrData() As String
' Set array to it's initial sizing
ReDim maucCounters(0 To mcInitialSize - 1) As
mlngCountersMax = -1
' Save the counter file name for when we need to
update it
mstrCounterFile = strCounterFile
' Read the counter file and load the contents into the
strData = ReadFile(strCounterFile)
' Parse the counter file a line at a time
astrData = Split(strData, vbCrLf)
For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(astrData)
' Now parse out the data: Path, Template, Counter
AddExistingCounter astrData(lngIndex)
' Make sure the array if not too flabby
If mcInitialSize - mlngCountersMax > mcIncrementSize -
1 Then
ReDim Preserve maucCounters(0 To mlngCountersMax +
End If
End Sub
Private Sub appWord_NewDocument(ByVal Doc As Document)
' Count the usage of the current template
CountCurrentTemplate Doc.AttachedTemplate
End Sub
Private Function ReadFile(ByVal strInputFile As String) As
Dim strInput As String
Dim hFile As Long
' Next available file number
hFile = FreeFile
' Open and read the entire file
Open strInputFile For Binary Access Read Shared As
ReadFile = Input(LOF(hFile), hFile)
' All done - so close the file
Close hFile
End Function
Private Sub WriteFile(ByRef rstrData As String)
Dim hFile As Long
' Next available file number
hFile = FreeFile
' Open and write the entire file
Open mstrCounterFile For Binary Access Write Shared As
Put hFile, , rstrData
' All done - so close the file
Close hFile
End Sub
Private Sub AddExistingCounter(ByVal strData As String)
Dim astrDatum() As String
' The array must be large enough to hold the data
' Parse out the data (FullPath, Counter) and add it to
the array
astrDatum = Split(strData, ",")
With maucCounters(mlngCountersMax)
.Template = astrDatum(0)
.Count = CLng(astrDatum(1))
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CountCurrentTemplate(ByVal tplTemplate As
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim boolFound As Boolean
' Try to locate and use an existing counter before
creating a new one
If mlngCountersMax >= 0 Then
For lngIndex = 0 To mlngCountersMax
With maucCounters(lngIndex)
If StrComp(.Template,
tplTemplate.FullName, vbTextCompare) =
0 Then
.Count = .Count + 1
boolFound = True
End If
End With
End If
' Add a new counter
If boolFound = False Then
' The array must be large enough to hold the data
With maucCounters(mlngCountersMax)
.Template = tplTemplate.FullName
.Count = .Count + 1
End With
End If
' Save the template usage count information
End Sub
Private Sub MakeSpaceInArray()
' Make sure the array is large enough to hold the next
piece of data
' if not then increase its size by the specified
increment size
mlngCountersMax = mlngCountersMax + 1
If mlngCountersMax > UBound(maucCounters) Then
ReDim Preserve _
maucCounters(0 To UBound(maucCounters) +
mcIncrementSize) As
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SaveCounterInformation()
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim strData As String
' Concatenate all data into one string, separate the
' and Counter using a comma and each line using vbCr
If mlngCountersMax >= 0 Then
For lngIndex = 0 To mlngCountersMax
With maucCounters(lngIndex)
If lngIndex > 0 Then
strData = strData & (vbCrLf
& .Template & "," &
strData = (.Template & "," & CStr
End If
End With
End If
' Write the data to the counter file
WriteFile strData
End Sub
the number of templates and which templates are used. I
am having problems with this code and have tried emailing
the person who wrote the code, on three separate occasions
but never heard back from him.
The problem I am having is that the template keeps
disappearing from p:\templates\start-up\. It stays in
that location for one day and then deletes itself. I was
wondering if it was something in the code??
If anyone can make head nor tail of the following code and
there is something in it that makes the template active
for only one day, your help would be appreciated. I do
not understand any of the following code.
The code is as follows:
'<----------------------Start of Module Code---------------
Option Explicit
Public gccTemplateUsageCounter As clsCounter
Public Sub AutoExec()
Dim strUserName As String, cCounterFileFullPath As String
strUserName = Environ$("Username")
= "M:\TECHNOLOGY\TemplateUsage\CountUsage\" & strUserName
& "_count_usage.cnt"
' Instantiate class to perform template usage counting
Set gccTemplateUsageCounter = New clsCounter
' Hook up event handler to that we can catch
application level events
Set gccTemplateUsageCounter.appWord = Word.Application
' Log the existing counter file (if any)
gccTemplateUsageCounter.Initialise cCounterFileFullPath
End Sub
<----------------------------Start of Class Module Code----
Option Explicit
Private Const mcInitialSize As Long = 50
Private Const mcIncrementSize As Long = 10
Private Type UsageCounter
Template As String
Count As Long
End Type
Public WithEvents appWord As Word.Application
Private maucCounters() As UsageCounter
Private mlngCountersMax As Long
Private mstrCounterFile As String
Public Sub Initialise(ByVal strCounterFile As String)
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim strData As String
Dim astrData() As String
' Set array to it's initial sizing
ReDim maucCounters(0 To mcInitialSize - 1) As
mlngCountersMax = -1
' Save the counter file name for when we need to
update it
mstrCounterFile = strCounterFile
' Read the counter file and load the contents into the
strData = ReadFile(strCounterFile)
' Parse the counter file a line at a time
astrData = Split(strData, vbCrLf)
For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(astrData)
' Now parse out the data: Path, Template, Counter
AddExistingCounter astrData(lngIndex)
' Make sure the array if not too flabby
If mcInitialSize - mlngCountersMax > mcIncrementSize -
1 Then
ReDim Preserve maucCounters(0 To mlngCountersMax +
End If
End Sub
Private Sub appWord_NewDocument(ByVal Doc As Document)
' Count the usage of the current template
CountCurrentTemplate Doc.AttachedTemplate
End Sub
Private Function ReadFile(ByVal strInputFile As String) As
Dim strInput As String
Dim hFile As Long
' Next available file number
hFile = FreeFile
' Open and read the entire file
Open strInputFile For Binary Access Read Shared As
ReadFile = Input(LOF(hFile), hFile)
' All done - so close the file
Close hFile
End Function
Private Sub WriteFile(ByRef rstrData As String)
Dim hFile As Long
' Next available file number
hFile = FreeFile
' Open and write the entire file
Open mstrCounterFile For Binary Access Write Shared As
Put hFile, , rstrData
' All done - so close the file
Close hFile
End Sub
Private Sub AddExistingCounter(ByVal strData As String)
Dim astrDatum() As String
' The array must be large enough to hold the data
' Parse out the data (FullPath, Counter) and add it to
the array
astrDatum = Split(strData, ",")
With maucCounters(mlngCountersMax)
.Template = astrDatum(0)
.Count = CLng(astrDatum(1))
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CountCurrentTemplate(ByVal tplTemplate As
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim boolFound As Boolean
' Try to locate and use an existing counter before
creating a new one
If mlngCountersMax >= 0 Then
For lngIndex = 0 To mlngCountersMax
With maucCounters(lngIndex)
If StrComp(.Template,
tplTemplate.FullName, vbTextCompare) =
0 Then
.Count = .Count + 1
boolFound = True
End If
End With
End If
' Add a new counter
If boolFound = False Then
' The array must be large enough to hold the data
With maucCounters(mlngCountersMax)
.Template = tplTemplate.FullName
.Count = .Count + 1
End With
End If
' Save the template usage count information
End Sub
Private Sub MakeSpaceInArray()
' Make sure the array is large enough to hold the next
piece of data
' if not then increase its size by the specified
increment size
mlngCountersMax = mlngCountersMax + 1
If mlngCountersMax > UBound(maucCounters) Then
ReDim Preserve _
maucCounters(0 To UBound(maucCounters) +
mcIncrementSize) As
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SaveCounterInformation()
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim strData As String
' Concatenate all data into one string, separate the
' and Counter using a comma and each line using vbCr
If mlngCountersMax >= 0 Then
For lngIndex = 0 To mlngCountersMax
With maucCounters(lngIndex)
If lngIndex > 0 Then
strData = strData & (vbCrLf
& .Template & "," &
strData = (.Template & "," & CStr
End If
End With
End If
' Write the data to the counter file
WriteFile strData
End Sub