Template Add-In Error Message



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC

Hi all and thanks for looking. We have template add-in that we use on all of our windows boxes with no issues. However, we do have 1 Mac in our building for the graphics lady.

We use a numbering add-in to generate unique purchase order numbers. This add-in works everywhere else. When i try to add the add-in it says "unable to copy add-in to the add-ins folder".

Please help.

Jim Gordon MVP

Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC

Hi all and thanks for looking. We have template add-in that we use on all of our windows boxes with no issues. However, we do have 1 Mac in our building for the graphics lady.

We use a numbering add-in to generate unique purchase order numbers. This add-in works everywhere else. When i try to add the add-in it says "unable to copy add-in to the add-ins folder".

Please help.


It sounds like there is a routine in the add-in that attempts to install
the add-in to a specific directory - one that does not exist in this case.

That's just lazy, sloppy programming IMHO.

See if you can find the actual xla file on one of the PCs and then bring
it to the Mac.

There is an add-ins folder in this directory (notice we use colons, not
slashes as file delimiters on Mac computers)
Applications:Microsoft Office 2004:Office:Add-Ins

Put the xla file into the add-ins folder. Then open Excel to a blank
workbook. Use Tools > Add-ins > Add button. Locate the add-in and add it
to the list.

If the add-in fails to load and run please report the error message here
and we can try to figure out what went wrong.




thanks for the tip. i seemed to get a little further but no dice.

installed the add-in from the folder you specified. when i click the button to assign the unique number i get the correct messaging saying that it is going to assign a unique number. however, before it assigns a number i receive the following message...

Run time error '53'.
File not found: KERNEL32.DLL

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