Tony Barratt
I have been asked to help a friend.
It seems that she creates an invoice from a template downloaded from
MS Office site.
So a workbook with a file name with the invoice number in it is
magically created.
Then the customer address, number of item and item cost is added
manually, Date and sales tax and total amount is calculated, Then the
invoice is printed and sent in the post.
So far so so good.
Additionally for each invoice generated, some of the fields are copied
and pasted into a row in an Invoice Summary worksheet.
As the number of invoices per week is rising, automating the
generation of the Invoice Summary sheet would be helpful.
Could someone please help me out, and let me know what approaches
might work?
I have been asked to help a friend.
It seems that she creates an invoice from a template downloaded from
MS Office site.
So a workbook with a file name with the invoice number in it is
magically created.
Then the customer address, number of item and item cost is added
manually, Date and sales tax and total amount is calculated, Then the
invoice is printed and sent in the post.
So far so so good.
Additionally for each invoice generated, some of the fields are copied
and pasted into a row in an Invoice Summary worksheet.
As the number of invoices per week is rising, automating the
generation of the Invoice Summary sheet would be helpful.
Could someone please help me out, and let me know what approaches
might work?