Searching said:
Is there an free template I can download, run in Office 2008 in order to
print payroll checks that reflect withholdings/gross/net etc?
Office 2008 is a MAC program and you have found your way into an Office for
PC newsgroup. You may have better luck by asking in a MAC specific
newsgroup such as or the like. Don't know of
any predesigned check forms. Even if they exist, the form would have to be
customized for the check form you are using especially if they were
preprinted checks.
If you are running your calculations in Excel it would be relatively simple
to create a form in Word to do such as you want using the label mail merge
format using the Excel data as the merge input. Of course you could do the
same as an output in Excel but I am not as familiar with Excel printing as I
am with Word.