Template from Acrobat to Word Workaround?


Walter H. Drew

I would like to make a Word X template with the excellent styles that the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) uses for its reports. However, the IMF
uses only Acrobat to download its formatted reports, and Acrobat Guide says
Acrobat cannot open .pdf files in Word. The IMF web pages
<http://www.imf.org/> apparently offer no way to ask for help in getting a
formatted Word template of their standard reports.

Any ideas?



Walter H. Drew

I would like to make a Word X template with the excellent styles that the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) uses for its reports. However, the IMF
uses only Acrobat to download its formatted reports, and Acrobat Guide says
Acrobat cannot open .pdf files in Word.

At <http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/coher_e/coher_e.htm> I found a fine
downloadable Word file with good style and elaborate formatting. Although
the page belongs to the World Trade Organization (WTO), it was actually
created by the IMF.

The name of the file is: Annual reports on coherence to the WTO General
Council by the Director General, World Bank President and IMF Managing
Director. When you open the web page, click on the search button and in the
resulting page check Zip file format (for Mac), tick E (English) under
Original Format heading, and hit the download button.

When the resulting Word file is saved in Document Template Format in the
appropriate Templates folder, you have a sophisticated generic Word template
which can be used to create many kinds of serious reports without too much

Text and, separately, graphics from Acrobat downloads can be copied and
pasted into a Word file based on this template.

Microsoft might think about making something similar for its own gallery of
downloadable Word templates.


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