Template help?


Jason Sacks [MSFT]

Hi there, I hope you kind folks can help me.

I have a friend who's quite advanced in his use of Word templates but who
seems to have hit a block in a template he's developing. In his words:

I've created a ZIP file (http://www.davecockrum.net/ComicScript.zip)
containing the comic book script template (DOT file),
the required INI file, some brief instructions on installation and use
(originally written for beta testers), and the script for LAST STAND ON
KRYPTON, which was written with a version of this template.

As you'll see, it's more than a collection of paragraph styles and
convenience macros. It really *is* a little program for writing comic book

Here's what has me stumped:

I need a way to insert a new story page between two extant pages. (Not a new
script page, but a new page of the comic book story. If you look at the
Superman script, you'll see what I mean.)

The code not only needs to read the number of the current page and the next
page (which is easy), it also needs to be able to process the rest of the
extant script, revising the page numbers contained in the SEQ fields for
story pages, panels, and balloons. (It was necessary to use SEQ fields
rather than any of Word's internal numbering schemes, because a comic book
script requires running three separate numbering sequences in parallel.)

My failure at getting this to work begins in the module called "New Story
Page" with the subroutine called "Tweener".

If your contacts have any idea how to make this work -- or any other
suggestions for improving the template in general

-- I'm all ears/eyes/whatever the hell organ is appropriate.
Can I persuade anyone to help Steve out? Thanks for your attention!

[Note that I work for Microsoft but this is non-work related.]

Word Heretic

G'day Jason Sacks [MSFT] <[email protected]>,

I'd be storing the new content to insert as an autotext entry and
ensuring its opening para style is set to page break before. You can
then drag such an entry straight onto a toolbar and label it 'Insert
new <type of> page at selection' and leave it up to the author to

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Jason Sacks reckoned:

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