Right-click the icon and dig around for Edit Icon Image or Edit Master Icon
in the menu. The item is buried in a cascading menu in Visio 2003.
Or, just hold Ctrl and double-click on the icon.
You'll also want to change a property of the master - right-click and choose
Master Properties. (Shift+Double-click works too!)
UNCHECK Generate icon automatically from shape date. If you don't do this,
you will lose your custom icon if you make changes to the shape.
The icon editor is fairly poor but it works. (It was originally coded by the
CEO of Visio, back when they were working in a garage somewhere in Fremont,
a neighborhood of Seattle) But I believe in the later versions, you can copy
and paste from "real" icon editors...
Hope this helps,
Chris Roth
Visio MVP
wavlet said:
In the choose drawing type window, templates are displayed with a graphic
picture ICON. I've created my own template, but I don't see how to create
the graphic for the icon. Currently a VISIO default graphic is displayed.