Template Opening



Using My Computer (Explorer) and finding a template that I
need to use, if I double click it, it opens as a new
document in Word. If I open Word and then open the
document through the open command, it opens the actual
document or in Explorer if I right click the document and
click open it opens the actual document. Why the
differnece? How can I make it so that double clicking the
document in Explorer opens the actual document in Word.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The default action for templates is New rather than Open. You can change
this in Explorer, but you will be going against Word's design.

Charles Kenyon

Windows is acting correctly. You shouldn't be routinely using File => Open
to use templates. The way to use a template is to create a new document,
make any appropriate changes, and save the new document. If your templates
are stored in one of the appropriate templates folders, you can use File =>
New instead of File => Open to create the new document.

Charles Kenyon

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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