template questions


Sailaja Manda

I am new to one note I really had great first impression and planned to use
to track teams weekly status. but once i started using it I am kind of
hitting dead ends. can any one help me with below problems?

I am creating a template where i am Inserting current date time expecting
when ever a new page is created it fetches the date time of that action but
its just replicating the same date again and again.

When I created a shared notebook on a share point side and other people
opened the file they couldn't find the templates i created. how can i publish
my template on the share point site? (Needed)

I would like to have more control on designing my summary page. Like
selecting the tags/order etc., (I am sure there must an way for this
currently couldn't find it)

How can i have section context assosiated with my summary content. (Makes my
summary reports more meaning full)

Like check boxes can i have a single flag which can represented in 3 states
like red, yellow, green (but i guess i can live w/o it)

Sailaja Manda

Just need to clarify on one more feature

Can i add shortcuts to the custom tags i created.

Sailaja Manda

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