Template Resets Itself



Repeatedly, I apply the styles in documents using our home grown template.
When I save and close the file, Word resets things back. For example. I have
a style called Body Text that leaves space after each paragraph. Also, I have
Table Head Style and Teable Texts styles defined. Word changes them all back
to Normal.

Yes my documents are large 200 pages, 32,000KB.

I appreciate all suggestions.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

A few thoughts:

1. I doubt that your documents are 32,000 KB. The limit in all versions of
Word for text-only files (not counting graphics) is 32 KB.

2. If your documents appear to be opening with all paragraphs in the Normal
style, see http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/AppErrors/RecoverText.htm

3. If your documents really *are* opening with all text in the Normal style,
it's possibly you're saving in a text format instead of Word format. Check
the "Files of type" setting and also the default file format on the Save tab
of Tools | Options.

4. If you're viewing the files in Normal view, make sure you don't have
"Draft font" enabled (Tools | Options | View).


"Senior moment" - I do love that American saying. We don't really have an
equivalent here in the UK.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

AFAIK, the UK equivalent (used by many of my British friends) is "senior
moment." <g>


I clicked on Tools but there is no Templates and Add Ins to click on. I'm
not sure that "template resets itself" is exactly what I need help on, but it
appeared to be the closest. When I open any Word document, it appears to be
fine, but when I print it there are 3 pages of text from a project I was
working on last week. And when I start a new document, it automatically
starts out with the 3 columns of text that project had in it. Hope someone
can help me out. Thanks, Linda

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