Template submission status confusion



I have submitted a template about a day back and was just trying to view its
status (which was showing as "Processing" after successful submission). I
have seen that it takes 24 to 48 hours for it to be open for download.

Now when I see - there was no status (rather it was blank). I thought it
must have been submitted and tried to search, but couldn't get the template.
This was in Mozilla.

Incidentally opened the same page in IE. The status is showing as

Is this a known issue?


Echo S

I wouldn't be surprised if the site doesn't work in other browsers. MS tends
to be concerned only with IE compatibility on its sites.


You are right! Looking at how, many of the pages behave in Mozilla... it is
just the compatibility issue. For the right info, we need to use IE !!

Echo S said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the site doesn't work in other browsers. MS tends
to be concerned only with IE compatibility on its sites.

Echo [MS PPT MVP] http://www.echosvoice.com
What's new in PPT 2007? http://www.echosvoice.com/2007.htm
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances http://tinyurl.com/36grcd
PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit http://tinyurl.com/32a7nx

Satbn said:
I have submitted a template about a day back and was just trying to view
status (which was showing as "Processing" after successful submission). I
have seen that it takes 24 to 48 hours for it to be open for download.

Now when I see - there was no status (rather it was blank). I thought it
must have been submitted and tried to search, but couldn't get the
This was in Mozilla.

Incidentally opened the same page in IE. The status is showing as

Is this a known issue?


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