Daniel Rimmelzwaan
I spent a considerable amount of time creating a template, with shortcut
keys and everything, and it was working like a charm. So I now have a big
important document that I've been working on for like a week and all of a
sudden, it seems to have broken the link to my new template. The shortcut
keys don't work anymore, and if I want to re-assign them, my custom template
is not available for assignment anymore.
Is there a way to apply an existing template to an existing document?
keys and everything, and it was working like a charm. So I now have a big
important document that I've been working on for like a week and all of a
sudden, it seems to have broken the link to my new template. The shortcut
keys don't work anymore, and if I want to re-assign them, my custom template
is not available for assignment anymore.
Is there a way to apply an existing template to an existing document?