Template WANTED



Looking for a simple 'personal investment portfolio template', where one can
list their mutual funds and stocks, with columns across for number of shares,
shre value, total value. Seems simple, but I don't know Excel so cannot do
one myself.
Any templates online do not have this simple version, but rather complex
business ones.
Any help/direction most appreciated!

JoAnn Paules

The problem with using an Excel templates with formulas is that if something
goes wrong, you're up a famous creek without a paddle.

My suggestion would be to set up a simple table in Excel (no formulas) and
then start learning how to do the basic math functions (add, subtract,
multiple, and divide). You can gussy it up to suit when you're ready.

Just a suggestion...

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question


I am working on excel spreadsheet to track my own investments and it might
meet your requirements. Since you don't know excel, I want to modify it a
little more so it isn't confusing to use. So if you haven't found anything
yet, I'll get back to you as soon as I submit it.


D. Marklinger:
Please send your submission to me as well. Thanks, I'm looking for this as


JoAnn Paules

Considering you post thru the Microsoft website, that's gonna be tough. And
D Markslinger was the person who was originally looking for the template and
states she (he?) doesn't know Excel.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

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