Template Wizard Addin Program



I have recently acquired an upgrade version of Office 2003 &
Installed it on a different computer from my previous Office
2000 version (IOW, a fresh install, not an upgrade install
per se).

When I try to use an existing XL2000 data file generated by
the old invoice wizard, XL2003:

1. Won't display the custom tool bar (oddly, unless I launch
Word 2003 and then return to XL2003!) and

2. When I try to write the form data to the database, I get
a message indicating that I need to install the "Template
Wizard Addin Program." When I click "help" from this dialog,
the program attempts to find the XLMAIN8.HLP help file,
which is presumably the help file from the older version.

I have searched MS's Office web site and the closest thing I
can find is a "Template Wizard with Data Tracking" for
XL2002. I attempted to install it, but the install gave no
indication of success or failure, nor did the "Template
Wizard" entry appear on the Tools menu (yes, I closed XL2003
before installing).

Is there a way to get the old template to work with XL2003?
I am well versed with VBA, but would prefer a canned
solution .




As i said in my original post...

"...I attempted to install it, but the install gave no
indication of success or failure, nor did the "Template
Wizard" entry appear on the Tools menu..."

Any other suggestions?

Peo Sjoblom

How did you install it? You need to check it under tools-add-ins once you
have clicked the exe file


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)



I really appreciate your help on this. Not sure why the thread is being
completely ignored in nntp://microsoft.public.excel...

To answer your questions:

I installed it (twice now) directly from this page:


From XL2003, the entry is NOT shown from Tools|Add-Ins, only the following:

Analysis ToolPak
Analysis ToolPak - VBA
Conditional Sum Wizard
Euro Currency Tools
Internet Assistant VBA
Lookup Wizard
Solver Add-In

Browsing for add-ins immediately shows an empty add-ins folder. A search of
my C: drive for *.xla;*.xll came up negative for the referenced add-in as well

I can find the XL2000 version of it (WZTEMPLT.XLA) on my old machine, but
I'm hesitant to import it into XL2003, especially in light of the failure to
install the Office XP version, and the fact that I don't know it's
dependencies (DLL's, XLL's, ODBC, etc.)

FWIW, I'm running Windows XP Pro SP2, Windows Firewall is off (I'm behind a
real hardware firewall)


Peo Sjoblom said:
How did you install it? You need to check it under tools-add-ins once you
have clicked the exe file


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)

Ron de Bruin

The Add-in is working in 2003 only the install file is not working.
Copy the xla file from a PC with 2002 to the PC with 2003
and it will work(use Tools>add-ins to browse to the file in Excel)

If you don't have a PC with 2002 then mail me private and then i send you
the xla file



Many thanks for your reply. I'm making some progress. However...

I do have a notebook computer with Office XP, which did not have the add-in.
I was able to successfully install it to the notebook and then copy the XLA
file to the desktop computer with Office 2003 (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office 11\library).

I noted during the install on the notebook, though, that there was a DLL
(XLL?) installed, but it went by so fast I could not see its name or complete
extension (I saw two L's on the end, though). I figured that if XL2K3 needed
it, it would complain about it, so I pushed on.

I was able to see & activate the add-in in the O2K3 tools|add-ins dialog. No
mention of the missing DLL/XLL, but again, the toolbar from the invoice
template I'm using would not display. From the same customize dialog, I
clicked on "attach" and could see the custom toolbar (invoice) listed but
still it would not display.

So I decided to use the Macros list to execute the database update that I
need for tax purposes (databaselink). XL (VBA) complained that it could not
open the INVDB.xls database. I noted that the database it expected to find
was in a different path than where I had it, so I created the full path that
it was trying to find, copied the file there, and tried the databaselink
macro again. Still can't open the file, no explanation why.

Next, I told the macro to just create a new INVDB.xls, which then took me
through the wizard asking me to tell it which specific cells to use to
create/update the file. At this point I aborted, since I would have to go to
my old copy of the file and map cells to columns, one by one, and there was
no guarantee that what I mapped would be the same as what the update function
expected to see.

I can't help wondering if the invoice template I'm using, again a throwback
to O2K, has been superceded by one of the myriad of invoice templates I see
on MS's downloads page. The two I've downloaded have no capability to update
an XL database.

Unfortunately, Microsoft has hidden the worksheet with the template's
parameters, and password protected the VBA project for the template, so I
can't go in and just fix the damn thing myself. Certainly if I had the time,
I would just recreate the capability in my own add-in (which I may do when
things slow down in January).

I don't want to overstay my welcome here, but any final insight you have
would be greatly appreciated.


Ron de Bruin said:
The Add-in is working in 2003 only the install file is not working.
Copy the xla file from a PC with 2002 to the PC with 2003
and it will work(use Tools>add-ins to browse to the file in Excel)

If you don't have a PC with 2002 then mail me private and then i send you
the xla file

Ron de Bruin

Hi Mike

I never used the Add-in myself so i can't help you.
Maybe there is anybody else that have experience with it.

Good luck

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