


Hello all

I created a template that has a link to an excel pivot table. I want the template to do the following
- unable to save as the template name but has to be new nam
- Once saved, not update data anymore from the excel pivot tabl

Can this be done

Any help is greatly appreciated

Word Heretic

G'day Jan <[email protected]>,

You have to open the template, if it is merely a Templates(n) object
you can't do much. Once open, you can Documents(n).SaveAs no wuckers.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See WordHeretic.com

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

Jan reckoned:

Charles Kenyon

In most versions of Word it is not possible to save a template as a
document. (It should be impossible in all versions but someone slipped.)

To use a template, create a new document based on the template.

Documents.Add Template:="MyTemplate.dot"

That new document can be saved. You can put the following in the AutoNew
macro for your template:


I expect that will isolate your pivot table but I haven't tried it. If you
have other fields in your document that you do not want to turn into text,
we would need some more precision. (Do not run the macro with your template
as the active document! Use it in a document based on the template.)

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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