Templates across revision control



We use CVS to control our documents - this is a revision control issue in
general, though, not limited to CVS.

We are using master / subdocuments and have set up a template to be used in
each of the docs. However, since all users have their own directory structure
or destination drive, the location for the attached template will change. For
some reason, Word is storing the full path to the template instead of being
relative. This breaks formatting for all of my documents for other users. Is
there a way to fix this or an alternate way to get cross document formatting?

Charles Kenyon

"Master Document" is a term of art in Word referring to a "feature" that not
only doesn't work but also destroys documents. The consensus (with the
limited exception of Steve Hudson) among those offering advice on these
newsgroups is that using the Master Document feature is a sure way to
destroy your document. It can destroy parts of your document that you are
not even working on! I think John McGhie said it succinctly when he said
that there are two kinds of Master Documents: Those that are corrupt and
those that will be corrupt soon. See <URL:
http://www.addbalance.com/word/masterdocuments.htm> for information on the
Master Document feature and workarounds. (This page also has a link to Steve
Hudson's chapter on how he gets Master Documents to work.) See <URL:
http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/General/WhyMasterDocsCorrupt.htm> for more
information on what goes wrong, and <URL:
http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/General/RecoverMasterDocs.htm> for ideas on
how to salvage what you can.

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