Quoted from WORD HELP:
'Document templates can be stored on your hard disk, included in a document
library, or used as a workgroup template.
When you or someone in your workgroup uses a template from the New Document
task pane, two factors determine which document templates are available and
which tab of the Templates dialog box each template appears on: the location
of the template and your file location settings for User templates and
Workgroup templates. To check your template file location settings, click
Options on the Tools menu, and then click the File Locations tab.
Document templates
Save your custom templates in the Templates folder. Template files that you
save in the Templates folder appear in the Templates dialog box, which you
display by clicking New on the File menu, and then clicking General
Templates in the New Document task pane. Any document (.doc) file that you
save in the Templates folder also acts as a template.
Templates you save in the Templates folder appear on the General tab
(Templates dialog box).
If you want to create custom tabs for your templates in the Templates dialog
box, create a new subfolder in the Templates folder and save your templates
in that subfolder. The folder location must match the path listed for User
Templates on the File Locations tab (Tools menu, Options command)+. The
name you give that subfolder will appear on the new tab. If you save a
template in a different location, the template will not appear in the
Templates dialog box.'
+I like to keep 'AllMyFiles' on drive D: - when I upgrade my computer, I
have a
'checklist' of things to rescue - most of them in or around D:My Documents.
D:My Documents----My Templates------- Clients (Templates)
(Templates) etc etc
I then put a SHORTCUT to each of these in the 'Templates' Folder mentioned
Hope this helps!
Pat Garard
"One look is worth a thousand rumours."
Wen Hou, Warring States Period.
"Look twice!"
Pat Garard, 2003.