Templates for FrontPage 2003



I am looking for Templates for FrontPage 2003. Is there such things? Also
how would I work with them? I see nothing for opening a template in the

Thank You,

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

There are several free ones here:


and you can also Google: frontpage templates

or peruse
pixelmill.com which will link you to many other sites that sell templates
(some have freebies)

Experimenting with free templates is a great way to learn, btw.

There aren't any templates included in FP, only Themes are I believe. IMO,
you're better off using Templates than Themes. There are different methods
of installing themes so you need to read the author's instructions on how.


Cheryl D Wise

There are some templates included in FP 2003 under New Page and New Web Site
options but you are probably right that those are not the type of templates
being sought.<g>

Cheryl D. Wise
MS FrontPage MVP
Online instructor led web design training in FrontPage,
Dreamweaver and more!

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