Unless I'm missing something, you've described the main
purpose of a Word template (a document template, not a
global template storing macros & customizations, etc.).
A Word template can contain all of the 'base' elements,
described, and the user is never in danger of forgetting
the crucial File-> Save As, because opening a fresh doc
based on the template (with either File->New, or by
double-clicking the template from Explorer) creates a
..DOC file from the .DOT file, so the template (.DOT)
is never at risk of being overwritten. In contrast,
absentmindedly doing a (more usual) 'Save' will trash
a 'base document' if the user has made any edits to
it before remembering to save, which is a VERY common
mistake when using this method. Reusing a base document
is a very '80s way of doing things.
It's still uncertain whether Cherri's problem is relevant
to this. I tend to think she has a ton of quotes already
produced and must apply a watermark to them now. We'll
know when she posts back.
Mark Tangard <
[email protected]>, Microsoft Word MVP
Please reply only to the newsgroup, not by private email.
Note well: MVPs do not work for Microsoft.
"Life is nothing if you're not obsessed." --John Waters