Hi Jay Bee
I think that is the most recent message in this thread, so let's start
Open the Tools > Customize dialog. On the Commands Tab, in the Categories
list, find All Commands (it's way down the bottom of the list). From the
Commands list, you can drag a command to a menu or toolbar.
The following commands are either the one you need or are similar ones
(listed here for the sake of completeness!):
- FileNew opens the Word 2002 and Word 2003 task pane at the 'New Document'
pane. That's the one that is on the menu by default, and is not the one you
- FileNewContext gives you a split button. If you just click the button you
get a new document based on Normal.dot. Or, you can click the little down
arrow to choose alternatives (eg new Email).
- FileNewDefault creates a new document from Normal.dot.
- FileNewDialog is the equivalent of the pre-Word 2002 File > New command.
It displays the New dialog that lists all the templates in the folders
listed at Tools > Options > File Locations > User Templates and > Workgroup
Templates. This, I think, is the one you need!
When you drag this FileNewDialog command to your menu or toolbar it displays
the unlikely text of "Other...". While the Customize dialog is still open,
right-click your new item and you can give it a more useful name.
If you're a keyboard person and like to do Alt-F N to get a new document,
you can get this keyboard sequence to open the FileNewDialog. You'll see
that if you put a & before a letter in the name of a button, that letter
becomes a keyboard accelerator. So, I put the FileNewDialog command on the
FIle menu just below the built-in New... command. Then I edited the built-in
command to take out the & in its name. And I re-named the unhelpful
"Other..." to "&New - Show my templates". So Alt-F N shows me the dialog
with all my templates. And if I need it, I can still use the built-in
command to open the task pane if I need it.
(I think you can see how confusing this can be: the icons for these four
commands are the same, and the commands have different names depending on
whether you're in the Customize dialog looking in the File section or in the
All Commands section. No-one ever accused Word of being straight-forward!)
The links Suzanne and Jay provided earlier give further information:
Hope this helps.
Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.