


I am not exactly sure where I should post this question, but I am wondering
if there is a way to make a template that I can insert something in a field
and it will automatically put it in the another field. For example, I have a
Power of Attorney set up as a template and I repeat the person's name about
8 times in my template and right now as I tab through the template, I insert
the name each time. Is there a way to do this?



Hi Nicole,

1) Type the text once, select it and assign a bookmark to it (Insert >
Bookmark). Then in all other places where you want that text, use a REF
field (Insert > Field > REF + Bookmark name). This way, if you chage the
original text, all other REF references will be updated at printing time (Or
when you do CTRL-A and F9)


2) Use an autotext entry. Type the text, select it and create the autotext
(Inset > AutoText > Autotext). Then use the autotext name + F3 to insert the
text where ever you want. But this way, if you modify the autotext, the text
inserted with the autotext prior to the modification won't be updated. (You
wil need to do a Find/Replace...)


3) Same as 2), but use an Autotext field (Insert > Field > AUTOTEXT +
Bookmark name). This will update all fields (like in 1) above) when you
chage the original autotext entry (as long as you don't change the autotext

See... there are many ways of doing what you want, and there are other more
complicated ways... Isn't Microsoft wonderful?

Just kidding!

Have a good day!

Charles Kenyon

It sounds as if you are using what Word calls and "online form." Look this
up in help. You can use a REF field to repeat the contents of a text
formfield elsewhere in your document. If the bookmark name of the formfield
is "text3" then your REF field would be REF "text3." You can find out the
bookmark name of a field (when the form is unprotected) by double-clicking
on the field to show its properties. When you do this, also make sure that
"calculate on exit" is checked.

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
<URL: http://addbalance.com/word/index.htm>

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
<URL: http://addbalance.com/usersguide/index.htm>

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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