Sorry, Paul. I'm just getting back to this thread and I don't know the
answer. It never occurred to me that this particular function might be
changed in Word 2004 because it's so clear and simple (IMO) in Word 2001.
(I don't know if the change happened in Word X but no one questioned it that
I know of.)
There *has* to be a way to do this without a copy and paste (for
self-created templates as well as MS templates). It makes no sense
otherwise. Unfortunately, I have no way to check it out but I'll ask Clive
to check this thread and we'll see what he has to say.
Thanks. Beth.
I just figured it out. The solution is, frankly, ridiculous.
I have to save my template WITHOUT THE .dot EXTENSION!!
Just like all the "Bar", "Foo" etc. templates provided by MS. And this is
_in spite of the fact_ that when saving it, I'm encouraged by the Save
dialog to include the extension, which it "kindly" adds for me. (My OS prefs
are to always show extensions.)
If I do that, then when I open it from the Project Gallery, it does indeed
appear as "Document3" or whatever. It has the boilerplate - as it should -
it's from a template - what else is a template ? - and I can modify it and
save it as a document.
This is - frankly - crazy. It's idiotic. I now seem to recall John McGhie
being just as fuming about this as I am. It's all coming back. Well, he's
annoyed from the viewpoint of sending company templates between PCs and
Macs, as well he might be. I'm annoyed because this is the _second_ release
of Word for OS X and it insists that files won't work properly if they bear
their proper extensions?? This is so stupid I really can't believe it.
I'm going to take this "upstairs".
Even worse, there's nothing in the Help for templates that tells you this,
attempts to explains it, or anything. It yells you how to make templates,
and never says "You must NOT include its proper extension or it won't bloody
work as a template. It will only work as a startup global with macros, if
you pout it in the Startup folder or load it as a macro. If you want it to
work _as a template_, revert to Mac OS 7 and _do not assign an extension_.
IF the Save dialog has already added the ".dot" extension, you must remove
it. (Oh yes, by the way, .dot is the correct extension. Please forget you
ever heard that from us.)"
Then it refers to "documents based on the template" but never tells you how
to do it.
I don't understand how they leave an absurd state of affairs like this in
place for 3 years of working on the X and 2004 releases.
I think I'd better cool down before I "take it upstairs".