Temporarily Freezes while hard disk "races" for 5 - 10 minutes


Larry Robinson

I have a very strange problem. About once or twice a day, entourage 2004
v.11.2.3 freezes for 5 - 8 minutes during which time the hard disk sounds
like it is searching, finding, updating, "racing", etc. After 5- 10
minutes, the hard disk stops "racing" and entourage un-freezes and works

Any suggestions? I am using Tiger v. 10.4.6


Hi Larry.
I'm having exactly the same problem with Entourage freezing up.
I don't hear my hd racing, as you describe, but I get the little
swirly-gig icon that tells me it's thinking.I've been forcing the
application to quit, so haven't let it run for 5-10 minutes to see if
it unfreezes. I will go ahead and let it run and see if it unfreezes.
Meanwhile, I've downloaded the most recent service pack updates for
Office 2004, but that hasn't solved the problem. Very frustrating,
since I cannot access any of the information saved in Entourage
folders. Hoping that someone else will have an answer!



Hi Larry.
I'm having exactly the same problem with Entourage freezing up.
I don't hear my hd racing, as you describe, but I get the little
swirly-gig icon that tells me it's thinking.I've been forcing the
application to quit, so haven't let it run for 5-10 minutes to see if
it unfreezes. I will go ahead and let it run and see if it unfreezes.
Meanwhile, I've downloaded the most recent service pack updates for
Office 2004, but that hasn't solved the problem. Very frustrating,
since I cannot access any of the information saved in Entourage
folders. Hoping that someone else will have an answer!



Hi Larry. I'm having exactly the same problem with Entourage on Tiger
10.4.6. I've downloaded the latest service packs and updates from
mactopia for office 2004, but that hasn't solved the problem. I have
been forcing the application to quit, but will try letting it gnaw on
itself for 5-10 minutes and see if it unfreezes. Very inconvenient
since I cannot access any of the information stored in Entourage
folders. Hoping someone else comes up with a solution! - Sophie

Chris Ridd

Hi Larry.
I'm having exactly the same problem with Entourage freezing up.
I don't hear my hd racing, as you describe, but I get the little
swirly-gig icon that tells me it's thinking.I've been forcing the

The spinning rainbow cursor means that the OS has noticed that the app's
user interface isn't responding.

Entourage *may* be thinking, but it is more likely doing something
unexpectedly slow, or waiting for something slow.
application to quit, so haven't let it run for 5-10 minutes to see if
it unfreezes. I will go ahead and let it run and see if it unfreezes.
Meanwhile, I've downloaded the most recent service pack updates for
Office 2004, but that hasn't solved the problem. Very frustrating,
since I cannot access any of the information saved in Entourage
folders. Hoping that someone else will have an answer!

If you get a chance, find out from Activity Monitor.app which program's
using lots of CPU when you're getting this problem. (You may need to choose
"My Processes" in Activity Monitor to see everything relevant.)

Have you tried verifying the Entourage database? Hold down the Option key as
you start Entourage and do a "verify".

See <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/database/index.html> for some details and

Also make sure you're preventing Spotlight from indexing the "Office 2004
Identities" folder. Do this from System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy.




Thanks, Chris, for your quick and detailed response.
I tried everything you described... yes, Entourage is in the red zone
in Activity Monitor, but that's it.
I verified the database, and there were no problems. Compacted it
anyway, but didn't touch the rebuild option. (The mvps website you
referred me to said it's a very bad idea to do that if the verify comes
back clear.) Added Office identities to the banned list in Spotlight --
verified all permissions, and rebooted. So far, no luck. Didn't see
anything else of help on the mvps site either... hmm... any other
suggestions? -sophie

Eric Tiffany

You might have a problem with your disk. Have your run Disk Utility to
verify the partition where your Entourage data resides?



Here's a quick question -- are you running any antivirus software? If
you have Symantec/Norton AV or Intego VirusBarrier, it's possible that
they are set to periodically scan changed files. Since your Entourage
database file changes constantly, it would get scanned each time; since
it's quite large, the scan takes a while (and prevents Entourage from
accessing the file while it's in progress).

Any other disk indexing software (aside from Spotlight) might show the
same behavior.

I found that leaving SAV in the default configuration (ÅutoProtect on,
default safe zones) is deathly to Entourage performance. The best
solution is either to turn AutoProtect off completely or to exclude the
Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities folder.

Larry Robinson

Thanks for the post. I just did a "verify" by holding down the Option key
when I stated Entourage. I also made sure Spotlight does not check the
Microsoft User Data folder. Like Sophie, it doesn't seem like it helps.

Larry Robinson

Thanks Mike. I did a spotlight search and I don't think I have either
Symantec or Norton Utilities on my computer. Any other ideas? Thanks,

Larry Robinson

Eric: yes I did verify the disk. I will let you know if that helped.
Thank you very much for your suggestion. larry


Wow. How do you guys come up with this stuff?! I'm so impressed.
Problem is not yet solved, but as a new MAC user, I am learning so much
about how my little machine works, thanks to your generousity. Thank
you. (Next time I will come to the boards instead of paying an IT-tech
for a house-call to troubleshoot my wireless network... several hours
later, only to realise that it's my printer which is not compatible
with airport.)

Yes, verify and repairing disk permissions was my first step, and I did
it again after walking through all the steps Chris suggested. I do not
have Symantec or Itego on this machine, just MACSCAN spyware sweeper,
which shouldn't interfere. (btw, macscan hasn't found anything yet,
even though I've been to some pretty sketchy sites lately -- have been
doing research on prostitution -- maybe I should get a virus protection
package...or are MACs as impervious to viruses as they say?!)

Another option I considered, Larry, was an external problem. I use
Entourage to pick up mail from several accounts, including hotmail. My
hotmail account went wonky just about the same time Entourage started
acting up... could be purely coincidence, but with msn changing over to
msn live, Entourage could be choking on the glitch. (by "wonky", I mean
-- wouldn't accept password, locked out for false attempts, and the
password reset information showed up in German... ) If I could get
Entourage to respond at all, I would probably start by deleting that
identity entirely and setting it up again. I have already synched all
my mail data into (forgive me, guys!) outlook express on my backup
windows machine. If we can't solve this in the next few days, I'm
probably going to trash Entourage and re-install - or find another mail

My Entourage does not have enough data in it to be choking like this. I
used it primarily for email, and my set-up is only six months old.

Chris Ridd

My Entourage does not have enough data in it to be choking like this. I
used it primarily for email, and my set-up is only six months old.

How big is your Entourage database, by the way? It is in
~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/Main



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