Temporary Array i.e. match "this" and return entire row



I found the FREQUENCY formula which is great for counting entries by

I want to add a condition to which rows FREQUENCY is counting.

My data table looks like

| Date | Name |
| Date | Name |
| Date | Name |

Results table is :

|- Date -| Name 1 | Name 2 | Name 3 | etc...
| Jul 01 | count | count | count |

My ideal formula where it says "count" is =FREQUENCY( array returned
IF (A1:B3 = "name1") )

Is this possible? Unfourtunetly the tradtional double criteria array
formulas of SUM, IF, SUMPRODUCT are way too slow when checking 10000 x
20 & 10000 x 20 rows for plain text. heh.

Thanks in advance!


I don't understand your "10000 x 20 & 10000 x 20 rows" reference.

I think pivot tables would do what you want, but not without knowing more
about your format

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