Tennis Picker?



Not sure if this Group offers such help?

Our Tennis Club would like to have some sort of Spreadsheet to help in selected players for
Club Doubles matches.

Is there such a spreadsheet or Access program out there?

We wanted to be able to drag names out of a pool of all members, into a group that are

Each player to have a skill number/grade, say 1-4, with 1 being best platers and 4 the not
so good.

Spreadsheet would pick 4 players and groups of 4 players to use up all
players (with maximum 10 picks - we have only 10 courts)

Players can be MM/FF or FFFF or MMMM

1's and 2's can mix and 3's and 4's but ideally two of each

Players should not play against each other again, until all choices exhausted.

Is there such a beast or can you get me started on making this myself?

Many thanks



I do these types of projects in excel often. if you would like to
contact me at (e-mail address removed) i would be happy to discuss writing such
a spreadsheet for your club.

ben crisp

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