Terminal Services/Modify Registry

  • Thread starter ArchieD via OfficeKB.com
  • Start date

ArchieD via OfficeKB.com

To start - I know zilch about TS but I do have a question ...

We have VBA code (in Word) that needs to modify certain registry settings.
The code is in Word templates. Each user has their own set of these
templates. Is it possible to allow the registry to be modified in this way
without each user being designated as an administrator/power user? If so, how?

I aksed the question in a TS forum but they have advised me it's not a TS
question but a VBA one.

Many thanks in advance for any help.


Cindy M.

Hi ArchieD,
To start - I know zilch about TS but I do have a question ...

We have VBA code (in Word) that needs to modify certain registry settings.
The code is in Word templates. Each user has their own set of these
templates. Is it possible to allow the registry to be modified in this way
without each user being designated as an administrator/power user? If so, how?

I aksed the question in a TS forum but they have advised me it's not a TS
question but a VBA one.
That's a way to go around in a viscious circle... This is definitely a OS /
policy, not a VBA question. It has to do entirely with whether the current
session has permission to alter the Registry; VBA has the same permissions as
the user. If the user can't change the Registry, VBA can't. I should think it
would be possible to create Policies allowing access to particular Registry
keys, but perhaps it's not. You could try asking in the office.setup newsgroup.
The regulars there have the best knowledge of using System Policies.

What kind of Registry settings should be modified that can't be changed using
the Word object model?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

debbieprobert via OfficeKB.com

Hi CIndy

Thanks for the response.

The Registry setting we are trying to change is to do with other products -
specifically proprietary legal forms packages which default to saving to a
central folder. We change the Registry path to force them to save to
different default folders depending upon the circumstances.

The users have now been granted access to the single Registry item in
question, as you suggest. I think it was one of those occasions where it was
just a question of finding the right person in the client's organisation to
ask at the right time.

Hi ArchieD,
To start - I know zilch about TS but I do have a question ...
[quoted text clipped - 6 lines]
I aksed the question in a TS forum but they have advised me it's not a TS
question but a VBA one.

That's a way to go around in a viscious circle... This is definitely a OS /
policy, not a VBA question. It has to do entirely with whether the current
session has permission to alter the Registry; VBA has the same permissions as
the user. If the user can't change the Registry, VBA can't. I should think it
would be possible to create Policies allowing access to particular Registry
keys, but perhaps it's not. You could try asking in the office.setup newsgroup.
The regulars there have the best knowledge of using System Policies.

What kind of Registry settings should be modified that can't be changed using
the Word object model?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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