Terrible Product



Word 2008 is buggy and non-intuitive.

I have been absolutely unable to mail merge onto postcards or simply create a nice postcard BLANK template.

It took a great deal of pain and energy to figure out how to change the darn background color in a document! WHAT!?

I have no idea why Microsoft is even keeping this product in development.

I have wasted hours and hours trying to get this piece of utter garbage to do the simplest things and have been left frustrated and right where I started, with nothing. After many hours of trying, I finally get the stupid program to actually merge correctly and now it just throws out duplicate records in odd places. THAT, is a bug. Yet another BUG.

I'm going back to Word for Windows, it was never this unintuitive and just plain BAD.

And one more thing... in terms of usability.. WHY is there no link to the forums on the main page? Is everyone in the Mac unit plagued by obtuseness? I think so. Has anyone ever actually thought about how difficult it is to get to the forums on this site if you don't already know where they are? Probably not. Yet another example of what I'm talking about.

I know everyone will begin the apologetic tirades about how we should support the MBU and all, but, frankly, no. This is not acceptable by anyone's standards except for a kindergartner who word processes with big, colorful crayons. It's junk.

What's the point of have functionality over Pages if it's buggy and non-intuitive? None.


Hi Ted -

No argument with your sentiments, but they won't have much effect being
posted here:) The newsgroup participants are by-and-large users of the
product just like you. If you have specific questions we may be able to help
or offer suggestions, but I doubt anyone has been tougher on MacBU about the
2008 release than most of us here.

Use the Help> Send Fedback feature to register your dissatisfaction with MS
and/or go to:


Daiya Mitchell

Ditto to Cybertaz, but also--there is a little separate link for Website
Feedback on the Mactopia site or go here.

The Forums are linked from the front page of Help and How-To, which
seems good enough to me (although I have many complaints about the forum
presentation in general, that actually is not one of them.)


Thanks for the reply! :)

Sorry, I was just venting.... don't mean to take it out on you guys.

Someone should tell the truth about this product. The reviews don't mention any of these issues.

For instance, the background color thing is simply astounding.

Oh well, what can you do except move away from the product and warn others?

At least with Intel based Macs, Word for Windows is an easy option (and fast too!)

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