Test Drive issue




I noticed on the install Outlook 12 cannot be install with prevous versions
of outlook.

If I want to test the program how can I go back Office 2003. Will I have
issues with my mail


Roady [MVP]

This has been the case for all version of Outlook not just Outlook 2007.

You can downgrade but it is an unsupported configuration. This BETA release
if for testing environments only; not production environments.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003


I noticed on the install Outlook 12 cannot be install with prevous versions
of outlook.

If I want to test the program how can I go back Office 2003. Will I have
issues with my mail



Thanks ...

I wanted to shuv some live data through for a while but will rethink my test

Roady [MVP]

You can do live data testing but make sure it's in a separate pst-file and
on a separate (virtual) machine. When testing against an Exchange server
create a separate mailbox and configure your own (through AD U&C) to forward
all the messages to the other account as well.

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