Test in <head> grayed out


Mark Flynn

In the head of my index.html page, I inserted this:
<!-- Begin Description -->
Detailed copy describing the web site. (about 200 words)
<!-- End Description -->

Looking at it on the HTML tab, all of the above text is grayed out.
Question: Am I wasting my time thinking a search engine will notice text
between the "Begin-End Description" tags?

Thanks, Mark Flynn

Kevin Spencer

It's greyed out because it's a comment. As to whether a search engine will
see it, that depends on the seatch engine.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Professional Chicken Salad Alchemist

What You Seek Is What You Get.


As Kevin stated, the text is in a comment, which will probably be ignored,
but there may be some search engines that will penalise your site for
attempted search engine spamming. A Page description should be in the
<meta name="description" .... > tag; to guarantee search engines will pick
it up a site description should be in full view, not commented out, on the
Home page, as part of the page content.

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