Testing for Screenshot


Tim Childs


I want to test for a simple two-part condition:

I want to detect when there is a blank sheet with a screenshot pasted into
it. I can do the first part but how do I detect the second, please?



Tom Ogilvy

I doubt if you can test if it is specifically a screen shot. You can test
if it is a picture

? activesheet.pictures.count

I did a paste picture as link (which is what I assume you want to test for)
With the result selected

? typename(selection)

I verified it was a linked picture as it updated when I changed a cell
linked to the picture. Even so:

? activesheet.shapes(1).Type = msoLinkedPicture
? activesheet.shapes(1).type = msoPicture

this was in xl97 - looks like a bug or there is another type of linked

If the picture is linked to another workbook there was no change, except
there is a link shown in Edit=>Links.

Maybe someone else has a better way.

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