Testing for Selection



I have a three-column ListBox populated from an array.

I want to test to see if one of the rows is selected, in the same way you
can test if something is selected in a document:

If SelectionType = wdSelectionNormal Then

Can this be done?

Thanks for any assistance.


It's not remotely related to the selection within the document.

The ListBox's ListIndex property points to the selected row (counting from
0); -1 means nothing is selected.

With ListBox1
If .ListIndex >= 0 then
Msgbox "Selected item = " & .List(.ListIndex)
End if
End with

A ListBox also has a Selected() array property, corresponding to the items
in the list. If MultiSelect is TRUE, more than one row may be selected.

With ListBox1
For i = 0 to .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) then
Msgbox "Selected item = " & .List(i)
End if
End with


Works great. Thanks a lot.

Jezebel said:
It's not remotely related to the selection within the document.

The ListBox's ListIndex property points to the selected row (counting from
0); -1 means nothing is selected.

With ListBox1
If .ListIndex >= 0 then
Msgbox "Selected item = " & .List(.ListIndex)
End if
End with

A ListBox also has a Selected() array property, corresponding to the items
in the list. If MultiSelect is TRUE, more than one row may be selected.

With ListBox1
For i = 0 to .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) then
Msgbox "Selected item = " & .List(i)
End if
End with

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