Testing if selection is in field result text

  • Thread starter christophercbrewster via OfficeKB.com
  • Start date

christophercbrewster via OfficeKB.com

My software needs to insert a field in text, so I'd like to make sure the
cursor isn't already in a field result. When the selection is an insertion
point, I expected Selection.Fields.Count to equal 1, but it's 0. I can't find
another way to detect that I'm in a field result, probably select it, and
move to the left or right of it. Is there a way to do it?

Tony Jollans

I'm afraid that, although there are various ways to do it, this isn't at all
easy. Here is a Function that will return True or False indicating whether
the Selection includes any part of a Field - it's probably more than you
want but it will give you something to work from:

Function SelectionInField() As Boolean

Dim Discrepancy As Long

With ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(Selection.StoryType)
Discrepancy = -.Fields.Count
.SetRange ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(Selection.StoryType).Start,
Discrepancy = Discrepancy + .Fields.Count
.SetRange Selection.End,
Discrepancy = Discrepancy + .Fields.Count
End With

SelectionInField = Discrepancy <> 0

End Function

christophercbrewster via OfficeKB.com

Thanks-- This works, when the field codes are displayed in the text (and once
I deciphered the web site's garbled line breaks). It seems that a function
like this would be needed enough to have a built-in function for it.

Tony said:
I'm afraid that, although there are various ways to do it, this isn't at all
easy. Here is a Function that will return True or False indicating whether
the Selection includes any part of a Field - it's probably more than you
want but it will give you something to work from:

Function SelectionInField() As Boolean

Dim Discrepancy As Long

With ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(Selection.StoryType)
Discrepancy = -.Fields.Count
.SetRange ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(Selection.StoryType).Start,
Discrepancy = Discrepancy + .Fields.Count
.SetRange Selection.End,
Discrepancy = Discrepancy + .Fields.Count
End With

SelectionInField = Discrepancy <> 0

End Function

Christopher Brewster
Lockheed Martin, Eagan MN

Message posted via OfficeKB.com

Tony Jollans

Sorry about the line breaks.

It should work whether field codes or results are shown; does it not always
do so for you?

christophercbrewster via OfficeKB.com

You're right, it does work on the result text. I'm not sure why my first test
failed. It didn't matter because I simply displayed the codes, did what I
needed, and hid the codes.

As to the line breaks, I've seen quite a bit of code come out strangely on
this site. One common effect is that a comments at the right end of a line
becomes a new line appearing following the code line-- looks like a line wrap
but always seems to be at the ' character.

Tony said:
Sorry about the line breaks.

It should work whether field codes or results are shown; does it not always
do so for you?
Thanks-- This works, when the field codes are displayed in the text (and
[quoted text clipped - 35 lines]

Christopher Brewster
Lockheed Martin, Eagan MN

Message posted via OfficeKB.com

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