text alignment



I've been using onenote for weeks and just come to this problem. My tex has
become misaligned. almost like it is smushed together and not smooth. I
usual make the text bigger and smaller by using ctrl + scroll up/down and
when i settle on a size the text usually "settles" as well.

Please Help. Notes are hard to read.

Erik Sojka

Can you clarify what you mean?

Ctrl-Scroll (assuming you mean the scroll wheel found on some mice) merely
changes the zoom level used to view the page, and does not change the
properties of the text or any of the data on the screen. Zooming in and
out should not affect the layout or alignment of the text. There may be
another cause of the aligned text you're seeing.

Vince Colostomy

I think I may have the same problem. Happened after i installed Photoshop
The font spacing is all wrong now and the text descenders have gone missing


What I mean is that the text is not clear and not aligned. It almost has a
"fuzzy" appearance to it. For example, in the word "walk" the spacing
between w and a will be much wider then l and k. In addition, l and k are
slightly overlapping.

The only change i can remember is that i tested "snap to grid" because I
didn't know what it meant. I immediately put the feature back on, but i
believe after that i have at this text alignment problem.

Thanks for helping.

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